
How to Clean the Office during Seasonal Epidemics

How to Clean the Office during Seasonal Epidemics

Microorganisms are present everywhere, including homes, offices, and during travel. Taking precautions against them is now of utmost importance. What are the methods of virus transmission and what actions can be taken to prevent infection? We have compiled the essential data for your reference.

Bacteria and viruses are microscopic in size, which can lead to overlooking their potential danger. They can be found in various locations, including homes, public areas, and workplaces.

There is no need for alarm, please remain calm. Typically, the immune system can effectively handle intruders and prevent the progression of illnesses. It is recommended to follow good hygiene practices in order to minimize potential risks.

Do you know about…

-… that some viruses can survive on surfaces for days, months and even years? In this regard, elementary hygiene is extremely important!

Flu: up to 2 days

Coronavirus: up to 9 days

Streptococcus: up to 6 months

Salmonella: up to 4 years

– … that most viruses and bacteria are easily washed off with soap and water?

-… that washing hands for 20-30 seconds is enough if done thoroughly?

– … that the temperature of the water does not matter? It can be anything from 0°C to 35°C.

– … that most types of influenza are caused by droplet infection? The risk is also high when touching mucous membranes with dirty hands.

– … that we touch our faces with our hands an average of 3.6 times per hour, or 86 times per day?

Maintaining Hygiene Measures in the Workplace Is Crucial

Studies have shown that office desks tend to harbor significantly more germs than toilet seats, with an average ratio of 400:1.

A majority of office workers, over 50%, choose to eat their lunch at their desks.

The phone, computer mouse, and keyboard have an average of 50,000 microbes per square centimeter.

According to research, a colleague carrying the virus can infect over 50% of all employees and nearby equipment within four hours.

According to a study, 20% of office workers do not clean their computer mice.

Infections can be spread through contact with contaminated surfaces, not just through coughing and sneezing.

Studies have shown that office dust may contain harmful pathogens and allergens.

Maintaining Cleanliness in the Office Can Be Achieved by Changing Shoes

During the autumn and winter seasons, it is common for workers to switch their shoes due to the presence of puddles under their desks, discomfort from wearing warm shoes for extended periods of time, and the high temperature of the room due to heating. Wearing closed, non-breathable shoes for extended periods can create a warm, humid environment which may cause an unpleasant odor and increase the risk of developing athlete’s foot. Street shoes can harbor more than just visible dirt. During the summer, the office may accumulate dust and dirt from shoes, which may not always be easily visible.

Good Habit: When You Come to Work, Wipe Your Desktop with a Damp Cloth

Office dust contains not only pathogenic microbes, but also has a sensitizing effect. Any dust is a favorite habitat for dust mites.

Don’t Touch Your Eyes, Nose, Mouth

Maintaining proper hand hygiene is crucial in the workplace as hands frequently come into contact with the face during mental activity while sitting at a computer.

The use of soap or disinfectants is effective in preventing the spread of infectious diseases when washing hands. It is important to wash your hands with soap before dinner, even if you have not left your work table.

Attention to the Air Conditioner

The air conditioner will be effective if it is correctly set up, necessary precautions are taken, and filters are serviced regularly to maintain a temperature of at minimum 21 degrees Celsius. Improper or infrequent cleaning of the air conditioning system can lead to the development of mold inside it. When the air conditioner is activated, fungal spores can disperse throughout the office due to the airflow. Aspergillosis is a serious and dangerous disease that can result from inhaling spores.

During Lunch Break

It is recommended to clean the dining room table before and after meals. After finishing your meal, it is necessary to clean up by washing the dishes, mugs, plates, and cutlery. It is recommended to ensure that the sink is free of any food debris. For optimal food storage, it is recommended to keep items in a communal fridge for a maximum of one day and to indicate ownership and date by labeling the container.


It is recommended to not dispose of food waste in the wastebasket. If there are no other disposal options available, it is advisable to take out the trash at the end of the working day.

If You Feel Unwell, Stay at Home, Call a Doctor

To prevent the spread of germs in the workplace, it is recommended to cough into the crook of your elbow or use a disposable tissue, disposing of it immediately afterwards, and then wash your hands thoroughly. It is recommended to wear a mask in public places, offices, and during transportation. The correct usage of a mask determines its effectiveness. Disposable masks should only be used once and not reused, so it is not necessary to leave them on a table or in a bag. A used mask carries the risk of spreading infection. For those who work in office settings with regular human interaction, it may be advisable to receive a seasonal flu vaccination. Vaccination against COVID-19 carries significant importance in light of the ongoing pandemic.

Regular Office Cleaning

In the absence of employees, dust accumulates in the office space and the air quality remains stagnant. Regular disinfection and cleaning of the workspace is recommended, whether it includes multiple offices and secretariats or one shared open-space room. Pollution may not be immediately visible, but it can have negative impacts on the health and well-being of workers.

The durability and aesthetics of appliances, furniture, and other interior items often depend on proper care of the surfaces to be cleaned. Certain materials used for floors, lighting, furniture, and sanitary equipment necessitate specialized detergents for their maintenance.