
How to help your child cope with stress during the COVID-19 outbreak

How to help your child cope with stress during the COVID-19 outbreak

Children react to stress in different ways: they can insistently demand the attention of adults, become anxious, withdrawn, inhospitable or overly alert, begin to wet the bed, etc.

Respond to these reactions in a positive way, find out what is bothering him, and surround him with love and attention.

In difficult times, children especially need love and attention. Therefore, try to manifest them even more than usual.

Listen to the child, show kindness and encouragement.

To distract your child, try to come up with games and fun activities for him.

If possible, it is advisable not to separate children from their parents and other family members. If this is not possible (for example, in case of hospitalization), it is necessary to ensure regular communication of the child with the family (for example, by phone) and provide him with the necessary moral support.

Try to follow your routine or schedule as closely as possible, or, given the changing circumstances, introduce a new daily routine that includes time for school or other learning, play and recreation.

Explain to your child what happened and what the current situation is, and in a language that is understandable to him, tell him how to protect himself from infection.

This includes calmly telling him about the possible development of events (for example, a family member and / or the child himself may feel unwell and he may need to go to the hospital for a while, where doctors will help him recover).